Worried what people think

Worried for your self

Careless or right

Bring on my shield

I told u the news

I cried at work

I cuddled my self and wanted you for real

I couldn't tell you

But we drove home

Laughing and signing

I love u. I nurtured you

You wiggled and became my table

I watched my table grow

I changed my clothes

I changed my life

I grow so much love

I cried when you where shown to me over the cloth

I was unable to move only to watch

My heart was yours

I cuddled you the same

Your head on my chest

Your Heart beat next to mine

I kissed your head

And you where taken away

I watched your pain and re live it over again

I held u again until I could not do any more

My last words to you

'The angels will look after you now'

Now in their hands but always in my heart

I miss you so very much my dear little boy

I will cry for ever and hope for our third cuddle and until that day William all I can say is I love you forever x

Vanessa Casey 

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