Sands saves babies' lives through supporting and funding research and by working with the NHS and many other organisations across the UK to make care safer and more personalised for all families.
We put the voices of bereaved parents at the heart of our work to improve maternity safety and best practice.
In 2023, Sands listened to the experiences of bereaved Black and Asian parents to understand if there are inequalities in care. The findings highlight barriers, biases and poor care that may be contributing to inequalities in baby deaths in the UK.
In 2023, Sands listened to the experiences of bereaved Black and Asian parents to understand if there are inequalities in care. The findings highlight barriers, biases and poor care that may be contributing to inequalities in baby deaths in the UK.

Research supported and funded by Sands
We support and fund pioneering research aiming to understand why babies die, make care safer and improve bereavement care and support.

Understanding why your baby died
Understanding why your baby died may be the most pressing question you have. Healthcare professionals do not always have answers but there are processes that can help.

Sands' parent surveys and reports
Listening to parents and amplifying their voices is at the heart of all our work. Their experiences help shape the research we support and identify gaps in care.

Baby deaths in the UK information
Every day 13 babies die before, during or shortly after birth. Sands works to understand where and why babies die and why some women and babies are more at risk than others.

Saving Babies' Lives resources for professionals
We have developed resources and training that will support national initiatives to make care safer for all families, from learning from deaths in review to consent for post mortem.

Organisations Sands works with
Sands has contributed to a national conversation about the importance of safer care for women, their babies, and families in collaboration with other organisations.
Sands campaigns to save babies' lives and ensure that, when a baby does die, anyone affected gets the support and care they need