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1/2 there My Marathon My Way badge
When you've reached 13.1 miles or raised 50% of your fundraising target download this badge and celebrate!

100k Dog Walk in October Tracker

100km Dog Walk in September tracker
A tracker to record your kilometres on
12 ways to fundraise for Sands this Christmas
12 ways to fundraise for Sands this Christmas: Fundraise for Sands to help us provide bereavement support to anyone affected...

3000 Squats in November Tracker

310,000 Steps in October 2022 Tracker

A-Z of fundraising ideas
Stuck for an idea for what do to, have a look through this comprehensive A-Z list of ideas.

About Sands Flyer
Double sided 'About Sands' Flyer. If printing out we recommend A5.

Bake for Sands Activity Sheets
Colour the cupcake and Bake for Sands word search activity sheets.
Bake for Sands Editable Invite
Use these invites to tell people when, where and how to join your bake!
Bake for Sands editable menu
Download this editable menu, add in your bakes and how much you're charging for each one.
Bake for Sands IOU
Taken cake pre-orders? Our IOU is a fun way to show you have acknowledged their donation.

Big Shared Christmas Card Option 1

Big Shared Christmas Card Option 2

Boardroom Breakout FAQs
Cake flags

Camp out for Sands Childrens Activity Sheet
An activity sheet featuring dot to dot's, a word search and a camping checklist.

Camp Out for Sands Games Sheet
All the fun and games you need to keep you entertained for the evening. From sleeping bag races to more...

Camp out for Sands Invitations
Get your family and friends to join in the fun by sending them a Camp Out Invite. Print off and...

Captain Tom 100 ideas

Challenge 13 Activity Calendar

Challenge 13 Facebook Cover Photo

Challenge 13 Twibbon

Challenge 14 banner
Upload as your cover photo, feature on your blog or print out and display

Challenge 14 calendar
Record your activity throughout the month

Challenge 14 fundraising guide
Find out what Challenge 14 is all about

Challenge 14 poster
A poster to put up at your office, school noticeboard or window

Challenge 14 profile picture frame
Jazz up your profile picture for the occasion

Challenge 14 selfie sign
Hold up in your photos to let friends know what you're doing and why

Charity Partnership Form
Collecting Tin and Buckets Information and Advice
Collections are a great way of raising awareness about Sands as well as raising much needed funds. Please take a...

Crochet Pattern
Crochet f or Sands, Always Loved, Never Forgotten Memory Boxes.
Direct Debit Instruction Form July 2018
Direct Debit mandate form
Use this form to set up a regular gift by Direct Debit.

Donate Button Image
Image file to use as your donate button on livestreams. Please note, not all streaming platforms will allow this function.

Facebook banner for Saving Pennies Saving Lives

Facebook cover photo for Walk With Us

Find the Golf Ball Fundraising Game
A fun golf themed game to help boost your fundraising. Choose your prize and set a price for each square...

Fundraising Event Poster
A empty belly poster design to suit most events.
Fundraising ideas this Easter
Fundraising Sweepstake - Guess My Time

Gaming for Good Banner Image
A Banner for your fundraising page

Gaming for Good Challenge Accepted Icon
Downloadable icon to share on social media

Gaming for Good In Memory Icon
Downloadable icon to share on social media
General donation form
Use this form to make a general donation.

Generic sweepstake template
Chose a topic that you would like to do your sweepstake for, ask participants for a small donation to take...

Gift Aid declaration form - multiple donations
If you are a UK taxpayer you can make your gift go even further.
Gift Aid declaration form - single donation
If you are a UK taxpayer you can make your gift go even further.

Golf for Sands 'Guess my Time' Sweepstake sheet
Golf for Sands 'Guess my time' Sweepstake sheet to encourage donations. Fill in the blanks and get guessing!

Golf for Sands Poster
Golf for Sands empty belly poster to pop up at work or in the club house.

How to Organise a Golf Day Guide
Our steps and top tips to organising a Golf Day for Sands.

How to publicise your Sands Fundraising Event
You may wish to publicise your event to get more people to attend or support your efforts. You can make...

Hundred Grand for Sands Quiz - a guide for hosts
Take part in the Hundred Grand for Sands Quiz this May in partnership with KwizzBit!

I nominate for Sands
You could nominate a friend to join you on your challenge, you could nominate a family member to donate onto...

I'm a finisher badge
Once you've finished your My Marathon My Way challenge, please download your badge and share onto your Facebook Fundraiser. Be...

I've raised £50 in a day achievement badge
If you've raised £50 in a day during April for the My Marathon My Way Challenge download your badge and...

I've reached my fundraising target for My Marathon My Way
Have you raised 100% off your fundraising target? Congratulations! Download this badge and celebrate that amazing achievement. Share on your...

Instagram banner for Walk With Us

Invitation for schools to participate in Go Pink and Blue

Invitation for schools to participate in Ribbon Run

Is it Baked Game
Use this fun game to enhance your fundraising. Is it Baked? People can guess which item is made of cake...

Is It Baked Game Answer Reveal
Finish the Is It Baked game and announce the winner by using our winner reveal sheet. Print this out and...

Jog 50 Miles in March 2022 Poster
Print and stick the poster up to let people know what you're doing this March and why

Jog 50 Miles in March 2022 Tracker
Track your miles with our calendar

Jog 50 Miles in March Poster
Print and stick the poster up to let people know what you're doing this March and why

Jog 50 Profile Frame
Update your profile picture with this frame to let everyone know what you're doing

Jog 60 Miles in June 2023 - Tracker and FAQs
Download your Jog 60 Miles in June tracker here

Just Giving - Online Fundraising hints and tips
Online Fundraising hints and tips

Knitting Pattern
Knit for Sands Always Loved, Never Forgotten Memory Boxes.
Lucky December Draw

Mince Pies and Mulled Wine Invite
Mistletoe Memory Walk 2018

Mix it up Monday
What can you do to mix your My Marathon My Way Challenge this Monday? Once you've done it, download and...

My Marathon My Way Tracker

My Marathon My Way Wallpaper
Download this My Marathon My Way and use it as your phone wallpaper to keep you motivated this April

One Million Steps Tracker
Download your steps tracker here.

Paying in Form with Cash Counting Template
Paying in details for all methods along with a cash counting form template

Planning and organising an event
Please be assured that we will do our best to provide you with as much support as you need every...

Press release template for Hair-raising
This press release template can be used to help promote your Hair-raising fundraising activity to your local press. We've written...

Print Your Own Bunting
Looking for some extra decoration? Bunting can be a great addition to your cake stall or table top sale.

Raffles and Lotteries
Raffles and Lotteries are a great way to raise funds for Sands. However, rules and regulations surrounding raffles, lotteries and...
Recipe cards

Recipes for Autumn and Winter
Here you will find lots of themed recipes to inspire your baking this season. Make sure to tag us online...

Reindeer Food Label

Ribbon Run card of dedication

Ribbon Run Champion Role Description

Ribbon Run phone wallpaper
Download this wallpaper to your phone and save as your background during Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October 2023)

Risk Assessment Template
When hosting an event, some o rganisations may require you to submit risk assessments, we have provided you with a...
Rudolph Hot Chocolate Labels

Run 30k in September Tracker & FAQ's

Sands logo
You can download our Sands logo from this page. Please refer to our brand guidelines to ensure correct use of...
Sands Policy Statement on Balloon and Sky Lantern Releases
Introduction Sands Volunteers and supporters have for many years used balloon releases as a way of raising awareness and remembering...
Sands Random Acts of Kindness Guidance

Saving Pennies, Saving Lives profile picture twibbon
Use this twibbon to personalise your profile picture on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Download this and overlay on your profile...

Sleep under the stars cut out, Camp Out
Decorate your own star to hang in your sleeping area 1. Colour and design your star however you like. You...
Snowflake Bake Cake Flags
Snowflake Bake Fundraising Guide
Snowflake Bake fundraising pack download
Thank you for wanting to organise a Snowflake Bake event in aid of Sands; we really appreciate your support. The...

Snowflake Bake Mince Pies Recipe
Snowflake Bake Recipes
Snowflake Bake Recipes

Snowflake Bake Yule Log Recipe

Social media cover photo

Social media twibbon
Save these into your pictures and upload as a frame to your profile pic on Facebook, Instragram and Twitter! You...

Starlight Walk at Home Wallpaper

Starlight Walk poster for groups
Use this poster to help promote your event.

Starlight Walk poster for groups
Use this poster to help promote your event.

Swim 5k in August tracker
Track your kilometres and read our FAQs.
Swim 5K in May - Tracker
Download this tracker to help you keep track of your 5 kilometres.

Swim 5K in September phone wallpaper
Download this wallpaper to your phone and save as your background when you take on your Swim 5K in September...

Take on 2000 Mobile Wallpaper
Download this Take on 2000 image and use it as your phone wallpaper to keep you motivated this July!

Tips for successful fundraising
Set your sights high and go for as much as possible!

Twitch stream set up on Xbox
A document to guide you through Twitch on your Xbox

Twitter banner for Walk With Us

Walk 100k in June Tracker

Walk 100k in March Tracker
Record your kilometres on this tracker. Download your tracker here

Walk 100k in September Tracker & FAQ
Use this tracker to log the kilometres you walk every day.

Walk 100km in March 2024 Tracker and FAQs

Walk 50k in May tracker and FAQs
Use this tracker to log the kilometres you walk every day.

Walk 90K in September for Sands Tracker

Walk 90K in September Wallpaper
Walk A Mile In My Shoes pack
By walking a mile on your own, with your friends and family, colleagues, or total strangers, you can help support...

Winter Walk Scavenger Hunt
Download a scavenger hunt for your challenge where you can tick off some of the wonderful things you will find...

Women's World Cup sweepstake
A World Cup sweepstake is an easy way to raise money for Sands with your work colleagues, family or friends...

Your Legacy is a Lifeline downloadable resource
Thank you for downloading your guide to leaving a gift in your Will to Sands. We hope you'll find the...