Hi my name is Shivon and this is my story.

In the year 2015 I was excited to find out I would be adding a new addition to my family.

I already had a daughter who at the time was 5 and she was very excited to learn that soon she would have a brother or sister.

Come the 12 week scan everything was looking lovely and we got told our baby was due November 3rd we announced to everyone and couldn't wait, we found out at 20 weeks we was having another little girl and decided that we was going to call her Lexi-Lei.

My other daughter couldn't wait and was so excited to Know her little sister would be coming home soon (or so we thought) as I had pre-eclampsia with my eldest I was having more growth scans.

We got to 28 weeks and all was looking fantastic and we had a 3D scan. She was beautiful. Fast forward and the 34 week scan was still looking good and we were getting excited. Only 6 weeks until she was due and here's where it goes wrong.

35 weeks + 1 day, I woke up that morning, put the baby's clothes in machine to start getting them ready. Throughout the day I thought my little girl was a bit quiet maybe she'll wake a bit later. But then I started to worry so I called the hospital. They said come in. I went with my mum and put on a monitor. They kept searching.

"I'm going to get another midwife"

"We're going to do a scan"

By this time I'm panicking.

We go in. A consultant runs a scanner over me.

Then those words, those dreadful words "I'm so sorry there's no heartbeat, you're baby has passed away'.

I was numb. Then this noise which I realised came from me screaming 'Mummy no please no my baby can't be gone. She just cant'.

I was  given a tablet to try to induce labour. Time to go home and come back 2 days later to give birth.

How was I supposed to go home when my baby wasn't alive.

I came back but she wasn't born until the next day. That day was 3rd October 2015 so silent, so still.

My perfect angel. Forever missed.

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