Will you commit to completing 2,000 keepy-uppys over one month?

Take on the challenge to support the hundreds of families starting their year with the worst heartbreak imaginable.

Sign up for your FREE t-shirt, collect sponsorship and commit to 2,000 keepy uppys in a month and support research to save babies lives and support those facing the devastation of coming home without their precious baby.

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How do I sign up?

To register for your Sands Keepy-Uppy Challenge pack and FREE t-shirt, simply sign up below. It takes seconds to do! 





Digital tracker - download a digital tracker to record your steps (there's one in your pack also!)

Sponsorship form - download this form to collect cash donations. You can then pay these onto your Facebook fundraiser and send us a photo/scan of the form to allow us to claim Gift Aid.

You may have questions about the challenge. If you need to speak to a member of our team, you can email challenge@sands.org.uk. Please also read our FAQs below.


How do I sign up?

Sign up to the challenge by registering for your fundraising pack.

How do I set up a fundraising page?

Can I raise funds offline?

Absolutely. You can collect sponsorship in any way you like. You can download the sponsorship form or contact us at challenge@sands.org.uk and we can pop one in the post to you.

Is there an entry fee?

There is no entry fee for this challenge and no minimum you need to raise. We do however ask you to fundraise as much as you can to help us save babies' lives.

How do I get a free t-shirt?

We'll send you a t-shirt after you have registered for the challenge and set up your fundraiser. 

What is in my pack?

A Sands t-shirt and a tracker document so you can monitor your progress.

My family want to do the challenge with me. Can they have t-shirts?

No problem! Simply ask them to fill out the registration form here and we will send them fundraising packs and t-shirts.

If they're not fundraising, you can buy additional t-shirts.

How do I keep track of how many keepy-uppys I have done?

Once you're done for the day, mark off your keepy-uppys on your paper tracker, included in your pack.

Where will the funds I raise go?

Directly to us at Sands. You don't have to worry about this. It happens automatically through Justgiving.

Do I have to prove I’ve completed the challenge?

You don’t need to prove you’ve completed the challenge – we trust you! You can post videos, pictures and updates on your Justgiving fundraising page. Sharing updates is also a great way to show those who have sponsored you that you’re committed to completing the challenge.

How do I send you my sponsorship form?

If you’ve collected cash donations and have a completed sponsorship form, do scan and email this to us at challenge@sands.org.uk so we claim any gift aid. If you’re not able to scan or send us a clear photograph, drop us an email anyway and we can let you know where to send your form via post.

What is a keepy uppy?

A keepy uppey is where you keep a football in the air for as long as possible by bouncing it off any part of the body except the hands and arm.

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