For our Together, we are Sands campaign, we are celebrating the impact of the connections made within and beyond the Sands community.

Thank you to Paul and Jo for sharing their connection to our community – a community unlike any other.

"We started attending our local Sands meeting some months after the neo-natal death of our son almost immediately after birth. After a number of years we became involved in the organising group and, since 2016, we have been Co-Chairs of Manchester Sands.

"As well as organising our monthly in-person and online meetings, we established the website including the remembrance page which, currently, has over 90 names. We also send out a remembrance card to parents on the anniversary of their loss.

"We have represented and talked about Sands' work at national and international conferences, on TV and radio and have been involved in leading training days for midwives and health professionals.

"We are incredibly proud and honoured, on behalf of Sands, to have been involved in Still Parents from the very start. An idea discussed over a several cups of coffee with Lucy Turner at The Whitworth - whose idea it was - turned into a wonderful, inspiring demonstration of the power and efficacy of art in regard to exploring grief and loss, enhancing a sense of well-being and, importantly, helping to break the silence around baby loss."

Read more stories of connections and keep checking for new ones throughout June.

Through all these different experiences, the one connection remains, our precious and loved babies.

Find out how you can get involved in the Together, we are Sands campaign.

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