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Guaranteed Charity Place

If you would like to apply for one of our guaranteed Charity Places in return for your pledge to raise a minimum sponsorship of £300 for Sands, please get in touch on e: fundraising@uk-sands.org, t: 0845 652 0448 or send us a message on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/sandscharity)!

Or to enter this event and secure your own place via the official entry system please click on the link above. Once you have had your place in this event confirmed please let us know so you can Join Team Sands.

Sponsorship Target

Tough Mudder South West Presented by Merrell always provides amazing scenery and a chance to get in touch with nature. We’ll just make sure you never have the opportunity. A mind-bending combination of large grassy hills, dense dark forest and quicksand-like mud means that you’ll be more worried about taking your next step than the view. Rally your team, you’re going to need them for this one.

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